Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Purpose - Beginnings

Hello World!

In the last year several of my friends have taken to blogging. So I started thinking... I need to jump on this bandwagon. It is time that the whole world meets The Stevens Clan. After all, we lead a very exhilerating collective life. Yes, it is definitely time for the Stevens to execise their tehnological might and grace the cyber world at large with our adventures. After all the 2 adults, 2 boys pictured here (one of which has Spina Bifida), and a little girl who is still in China and waiting to be adopted - not to mention the three dogs and multiple fish - have things to say and calamity (oops, I mean excitement) to report.

So, I pledge to the world, my relatives, friends, and strangers that happen across this blog that I will post musings, videos and pictures of all the exciting events that you may not get to be witness to in real life.
Happy Reading!


Anonymous said...

Isaac, this is your Oklahoma grandma saying we loved your piano recital and are so proud of you! Love,
Grandma and Papa Stevens

Anonymous said...

Isaac, this is your Oklahoma grandparents here to tell you how well we think you did at your piano recital. We are so proud of you!
Grandma and Papa Stevens

Larry Golden said...

Isaac we enjoyed seeing your video this morning.
Grandma and Papa Golden

The Jerrolds Family said...

Hi Angela! We are on here too! I got your blog link from my dad. I can't wait to read more!
Love, Heather (Dirks)