About two weeks ago, I checked my email and found, mixed in with the SPAM, a request for a happy home for two guinea pigs: cage and all included. Aaron has been asking for some sort of rodent since before Christmas and I have held out for more than one reason. The biggest being I didn't want to pay for a rodent, especially something like a mouse, that I would lay a trap for and kill under any other circumstance.
So a couple Monday nights ago, Nathan and the boys went to pick up our new family additions. It was a total surprise for the boys and therefore, the boys were ushered into the car knowing nothing about their destination or the purpose behind the trip. Off to another town, they drove and found the owner's house. The boys inquired about the house and who lived there. Are these long lost relatives, are we buying the house, do they have little boys to play with?
The door opened and a lady answered the door. My boys smiled at her and politely said hello. Then the lady said she knew why they had come and asked if the boys were surprised. Now they were thoroughly perplexed. This lady was nice and all, but she didn't rank high on the excitement quotient. As the boys stared around, they finally noticed her pointing to a cage and revelation dawned on them. The boys moved in closer and the excitement grew. Filled with giddiness they brought home Spike and Spaz.
So far, they have been good about cleaning the cage and keeping the guinea pigs happy. We have rearranged Aaron's room to accomodate them and now they live with him. Our only issue seems to be that Harriet, the sweetest of our dogs wants to eat the guineas very badly. She whines and cries to get in the cage. I would think she just wanted to be friends, but a person can't mistake the maniacal look in her eyes as she begs to be closer to them.
This is Spike with Toy Lion.

This is Spaz working construction.