Thursday, October 23, 2008


Most fairly new neighborhoods have an HOA these days. These organizations of human conformity mean to keep the community beautiful. In their pursuit of beauty, we have received another "nicely" written notice that we need to weed our front yard. In went something like this:

We are writing to inform you that you must have overlooked the enormously large amounts of weeds that have killed all your grass in the front yard. Please rectify this situation immediately, or pay the dire consequence of being the worst land owner on the block. Oh yeah, we could also fine you. We love to fine people a minimum of $50.00 because they do not want to conform to our understanding of the beauty that is a well maintained and perfectly green front yard. Sincerely, Your ever checking, measuring, and scrutinizing HOA.

Ok it wasn't that bad but, we do have a weed issue. Our weeds are not the gangly type that grow up past the grass and sprout nasty nobby little burrs that catch on socks. These weeds lie low to the ground and at the present moment they are flowering. We have had them all summer but up until now they were green like our sparse grass. So from a distance green meant lawn was being kept up tidily and HOA left us alone.

The white mass of weeds have now given us more than the plain green lawn would ever give. Outside today, the boys and I stumbled upon three monarch butterflies feasting on my weeds. They fluttered to and fro and gave us such a wonderful moment of peace. The boys and I paused on the sidewalk and gazed at God's glorious creatures.

I guess we will eventually comply with our HOA. But, for now...I think our lawn mower is broken.


julie said...

I rememer many heated discussions about the HOA... They are so pesky, aren't they.

Anonymous said...

The HOA is a necessary evil. Without them your home will decrease in value. I have been active in my HOA and I know they are only as good as the people who are involved in it. I do think you have a weed problem which has killed most of your grass, but it can be easily repaired. Start pulling and use some weed spray. Landscaping adds to curb appeal and value to your home. Good luck.

M said...

Monarchs are drawn to your lawn... You have milkweed, maybe?
>Why not do something useful with your lawn, like grow food.

SaraToday said...

I think it's funny that the person in an HOA (Hi Anna) is advocating pesticide which will make its way into the ground water. Is that added value?

Angie said...

I dont think I would ever be able to live in a house that has a HOA. I dont like to be told when and how I should do things. We strive to keep our lawn tidy but with 3 small children and crazy schedules sometimes there are more important things that take priority over lawn work. Good look getting rid of your weeds!

Anonymous said...

Those little "weeds" are really roadside asters,a wildflower, and they will bloom whether they are centemeters or a meter tall. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.