Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A weekend of Firsts

Last weekend, was the start of the loss of little boy Isaac. Our Webelos 1 den went on their first patrol campout with the parents close at their heels. We were ready to help pitch tents, bandage wounds, douse flames or whatever came up.

To the boys credit, and the parents stunned pride. None of that was needed. We had a great time, and I think Isaac said "Hi, Mom" to me once as he skirted through the parental side of the camp to get something he had left behind.

It was also Sarah's first camping experience. Apprehensive at first, she didn't quite get why I was shoving all our belongings - including her pillow into a thin cloth thing that resembled a giant purse. And when the flashlight clicked off at 11 pm the first night and sucked the tent and everything in it into a black abyss, Sarah was a bit concerned. The new night noises were a little overwhelming at first too.

But after that first night, she settled right in and became little woods girl. She charmed the people we were with and bopped around the campsite like she owned it.

When the time to tear down camp came, Sarah was very upset to see the tent go. She told me several times that she wanted to stay and didn't want to go back home. At least until I reminded her that her toys, clothes and the flushing toilet were at home waiting for us. Then she got in the car.

A Jellyfish Has No Brain

Today I had the pleasure of attending a Mother's Day Program put on by the first grade students. When the pagentry was done, I sat chatting with Aaron and relishing in the time to speak with him without the constant interruptions from the many responsibilities that follow me around.

I questioned him on their recent project on the ocean and its creatures.

He researched crayfish, but wanted me to know about the jellyfish which has no brain. I marvelled at that with him for a moment and then asked him how did the jellyfish know what to do.

His answer: Mom, without a brain, they don't ever get anything right.