Saturday, July 16, 2011

My child's Idea of the word Whore House

Tonight I made lasagna. It is one of my specialties and is eaten with gusto and true joy by my husband and children. They always ask for seconds and do not restrain themselves during lasagna eating dinners. Tonight was no exception and Sarah was covered with red sauce all over the mouth cheeks and nose.

Being a girl, she decided about half way through dinner to ask for a napkin. I was surprised to see she was such a mess. I guess I had my attention on my lasagna, too! Immediately, I handed her a napkin and made an exclamation of mock horror at her face. She giggled.

It was at this exact moment that Aaron very loudly stated that she looked just like a whore house. I wasn't exactly sure I had heard right.

Whore houses are not normal Stevens family topics of discussion. I asked him to clarify. Now Aaron is my child most likely to get into trouble and therefore, might have found out some how what a whore house actually was. As I asked for clarification. I was silently debating whether I should be angry or educational in my response.

Aaron also looked as if he thought that maybe he had made a mistake and was about to get sent away from his lasagna dinner. But sheepishly he said it again and sure enough he had said whore house.

"Do you know what that is?" I asked in my mostly calm but teetering on highly emotional voice. It was at this point that Isaac jumped in and said yes with great confidence. Isaac explained that a whore house was a scary place. You know like Halloween scary. Aaron at the same time is nodding his head in agreement with a look of complete agreement and assertion in his belief.

After a moment of deep thought, I said "No, I think what you are talking about is a Haunted House. It is not at all like a whore house." Nathan disagreed with me there, but for the sake of the children's senses didn't allow that conversation line to continue.

Needless to say, we had to have a vocabulary lesson about that term and hopefully we will hear it no more at our dinner table.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Harriet - The return of the Lady

About three weeks ago, the dogs got out. Marley and Harriet saw an opening and sprinted through the door. It was scorching hot outside. I had somewhere to be and I didn't really want to chase dogs around the block for their amusement. So, I let them go.

I figured that they would come back. Sure enough, Marley scratched on the door about 15 minutes later and we went on about our day.

At 10:30 that night I wanted to put the day to rest and go to sleep. I started calling to the dogs in order to put them to bed for the night. That is when it dawned on me that Harriet did not come home like Marley. She was gone.

The children were sad. The next day, I went looking for her and couldn't find anything. No one called to say they found her. After a week, I was sure she was gone forever.

I was saddened by this turn of events, but was resigned to the fact that somehow the one dog that I would have been fine with losing was still at my house and my little cutie was gone.

9 days later, I was finishing my morning exercise route when my walking partner (mom) gasped loudly. I startle easily and began yelling "What! What!" and searching for the giant attack dog that was, I was sure, bearing down on us. I turned my head and there she was.

HARRIET! My English Spaniel Beauty was running straight toward us, her ears were flying straight back, a look of pure joy in her eyes. She ran right to me. When I picked her up she was smelly, wet and gross.

I was astounded that she was back. I think she was astounded to find her family again.

She got a day at the doggie spa and we go out sweet little Harriet back.