Saturday, March 2, 2013

Living With Boys

There has been a constant battle for years in my house regarding towels.  I probably just have too many and for a decade have been dutifully washing towels after only one usage.  Completely Wasteful. 

But for the last several months, I have been harping about not wasting money (as I am sure most middle class Americans have - despite that we are told the worst of our financial hardships are behind us). 

At any rate, I was fairly surprised this week when my dirty clothes hamper did not fill with towels by Tuesday.  When I checked again on this Saturday morning, I was excited to find very few towels waiting to be washed. 

Then I went to the linen closet and found no towels there.  My mind slowly started working as I realized that there are no towels in the hamper and none in the closet....where did they go. I checked both boys rooms ( the usual culprits to missing  household items) and yet their floors were also towel free. 

With Foreboding, I turned heel down the hall and went to the kids' bathroom.  There, hanging on four pegs was every towel in the house.  Piled, not on the floor, but on the wall  - four and five towels deep.

Evidently half of my message had gotten through.  Upon questioning my middle boy, I discovered  he understood I wanted the towels hung.  However, the message to conserve and reuse was completely lost.  

Once again, I learn a lesson about living with boys - take nothing for granted!

1 comment:

Steve: The Lightning Man said...

But on the plus side, at least they were listening & heard what you's a start.