Saturday, October 17, 2009

One month later....

Sept 15 was gotcha day. Now we are a month away from that momentous occasion that changed 5 lives - definitely for the better!

Our days have been crazy, tumultous and exhausting in general. I have had many good intentions to write our successes and trials, but have been overwhelmed by the needs of three children and no time left for anything.

Sarah, I believe is adjusting well to life in the U.S. She has learned several words in English. These include dinosaur, circle, flower, giraffe, sit down, and her favorite - no. She combines this word with her brother's names frequently. She loves to play with her dolls and organize her favorite things. She lovingly takes care of her clothes and thankfully has gotten used to the dogs. She even kissed Harriet's nose last night.

She transitioned well to day care, thankfully and we are now in our second week of regular schedule. Which is all too hurried for me, but Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. I will persevere

Isaac has certainly has mastered the role as big brother to her. I found him teaching her about legos Friday evening and he loves to help her get into her car seat.

Aaron - He is not adjusting so well and needs prayer. He is struggling in school and at home with authority and personal responsibility.

As for the parents, we see each other in passing. And now that I have made the jump from car to minivan, our car rides are much calmer. Each child now has personal space again, whew!


julie said...

so good to hear an update. lad it is going well... mostly!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, you've been on my mind and I've been praying for you all. Will continue to pray for Aaron.
Love ya,

Melissa said...

Hey there Angela! Checking out our travel group's blogs tonight and was so happy to see the wonderful photo heading up your blog! Your life sounds like ours...going well but so incredibly busy! Keep up with the updates!