Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Moving Right Along

Sarah has officially moved into the realm of full sentences. These aren't great literary achievements, (yet) but she has asked to go to Grandma's house and asked her Baba Golden for a book. In fact, she won't leave his house without a new book. She even said today, "I love Grandma. I love Baba. He give me book. I love Uncle Matt." This morning she told me "I want the black and white dress." Wow!

Don't think the other side of the family has been left out. She has asked for Aunt Margaret, Keith and her cousin Katie. She talks about sledding in the snow over Christmas break and all the family pets. When we left Grandma Stevens house, she wanted to go back and always asks to talk with her on the phone.

I am past counting the amount of words she knows as they are so vast. I know she has a lot left to learn, but man I am impressed. Even now she is sitting beside me "writing" in her notebook. - from left to right and in very English looking scribbles!


julie said...

I LOVED seeing her Sunday! I couldn't quit looking at her! She reminds me so much of my sister when she was that age. I love those little Asian babies so much!! I know that sounds odd, but I tell my little(25 year old)Asian sister that ALL THE TIME and she just laughs at me... and agrees that they are pretty darn adorable! When she was really little, I used to kiss the flat bridge of her nose (vertically) and tell her God made her so that my lips fit perfectly there, so she was made to be ours. I'm so proud of you and your family! She will bring you so many blessings.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of her. She is learning so fast!