Friday, October 8, 2010

Words, Words, Words

I love words! I love reading words, writing words and thinking about words. So, it doesn't surprise me my children are incredibly verbal. However, the ferosity of their verbage (how's that for words) is very different.

Isaac likes to talk about what he loves and all the time! Sometimes the talk goes on so long that I begin to hear only a Whhhaaa Whaaaa sound in my ears. Sarah, of course, is still learning words and picking everything up a great speed. - This is probably because her mother and brother are talking constantly. :)

Then there is Aaron. The reason for this post. My Aaron, that usually is the rough and tumble action before words type boy, will occasionally bring an audience to a stand still with his vocabulary. This week he has been impressing his teachers and me with the following vignette. Mind you, he is in the second grade.

The vocabulary word is sphere.

Teacher: Does anyone know what a sphere is...

Aaron: Yes, it is like a scepter. You know one of those things on the end of a staff. It is round and kings put it out to people when they make an oath.

Teacher: Yes, that IS like a sphere.

The other children are left in the dust still trying to figure out what the first word meant.

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