Saturday, October 11, 2008

11 days

I can't believe it has been 11 days since I last posted anything. That's a tale tell sign of how busy we have been. We have had piano, soccer, grad school, boyscouts, a camping trip that turned into a sinus infection for me and a new dog to top it all off. The school year is flying by with homework, projects and loads of activities. It seems that we can barely catch our breath.

Here is a top 10 list of the most exciting portions of our lives over the last 11 days.

1. Getting Marley our new Shepherd Mix dog from the pound.

2. Introducing Marley to Pete and Harriet - keeping them from killing each other for the first day. Now they are best friends.

3. An Eye Doctor visit, Pediatrician Visit and a Urologist Visit. - All is well, but Aaron's eye sight is really bad! We are now using the eye patch four or more hours a day - like it or not.

4. Camping for one night at a local lake and watching Marley play in the water.

5. Aaron goes a whole week with good behavior at school!

6. One nature hike where lots of fishbone pictures were taken.
7. Isaac is exited from the Speech program at school - He has come a long way, baby!

8. Aaron keeps the patch on his eye for several hours without complaint.

9. Boys attend their first ever bicycle rodeo.

10. One 30 minute nap today after I finished writing my 3rd paper for graduate school.

Whew! I am tired just remembering it all. Below is a pic of our newest family member.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good looking dog. I'm looking forward to meeting him. Glad Aaron is doing better keeping the eye patch on and that he had a good week at school. Also, tell Isaac that my mouth is watering for the trail mix and carmel corn I ordered from him.

Oklahoma Grandma