Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Strict Policy

Yesterday we sat in a popular restaurant eating a late dinner. A t.v. buzzed behind us and Isaac kept looking at it. Suddenly, He yelled. "Hey, that's Barack Obama" and right after that announced John McCain had filled the screen. He looked at us with great importance and then made the announcement that he would like to be President someday. Well, that's cool. I could be the first mother. I might even get a secret service detail out of the deal.

Aaron, of course, wanted to join in the conversation. He stated that president wouldn't do for him, but he would like to be a judge. That of course, prompted a discussion about which had more power a judge or the President of the United States. Then out of nowhere, my 5 year old, kindergartner stated that if he was judge he would ...Now brace yourself...I swear these are his words....

"Make a strict policy on pizza" I looked at Nathan and then at Aaron and I repeated "a strict policy" Those words just came out of my child's mouth. Where in the world did he pick that up and then use it in a sentence that made sense. (well, mostly)

A policy on pizza, I asked. What kind? "A policy where I could eat it whenever I want!" Aaron stated with a smile. Yep, it was used correctly.

Goodness, my children don't miss a beat!

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