Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Three Joys

I am sitting tonight in a hotel. I have called my children and husband and said I love them and miss them. I can't wait to see them again. As I sit here tonight, I think about the boys' sweet voices over the phone and how much I miss being able to take my hand and brush their hair or rub their backs.

I have thought about all the things that my loving husband has given me and sacrificed for me and my happiness. Too often, I do not tell him this. (Don't tell anyone, but I can be a bit critical)But he is perfect for me and I delight in his abilities, kindness and love.

Earlier today it struck me that I almost feel empty. I am so connected to my three Guys. I am proud of them, love them and at times I have been known to fight for them. I want happiness, love, and most of all for them to be right in God's will.

Tomorrow I will be back at home and I know I will sense the feeling of peace that comes over me knowing that the ones I love the most in the world are just a breath away.

1 comment:

SaraToday said...

Why are you in a hotel?