Monday, March 2, 2009

Working It Off - Dave Ramsey Style

This last Saturday found us all standing in the Wii aisle at Fry's. Isaac had his hands wrapped around several games. He was looking at them with a kind of intense frenzy that only an eight year old can accomplish about a video game.

"Pleeeaassee mom, can I have the Lego Star Wars game. It has all 6 episodes!"

I looked at it and thought that surely Nathan wouldn't allow it because we have plenty of games, but then I saw it had Lego Leia IN the metal bikini. I knew he would go for it then because a Lego Leia in the bikini (movie 6) is just strange and Nathan is all about the strange things in life.

So with a promise to work off the 20.00 that Isaac didn't have to buy the game, Nathan and I bought it for him and took it home.

On Sunday, we set a box of medical supplies in front of our boy and told him to start sorting. At first he balked. After all, work is not his strong suit. But then we reminded him of his promise to pay back the 20.00 and the sorting began.

When he had finished sorting plus completed a couple other "interest charge"chores, we told him he had cleared his debt with his parents and he was free to do what he wanted.

In true Dave Ramsey form, Isaac stood in our kitchen, raised his arms toward the sky and screamed out loud...."I'm DEBT FREE...FREEDOM!"


Anonymous said...

Now I understand why Isaac wanted to earn money on Sunday.

Cassie said...

That is hysterical! We love Dave Ramsey and can't wait for the day we can yell "FREEDOM!"