Aaron sits with his hand out calling the dog, Pete to him. Petey turns in circles and licks his lips in anticipation of a back rub. Aaron looks up at me while holding tight to his little pup, smiling and thinking. I can see the wheels turning behind my son's green eyes. At the same time, the pup's eyes are bulging out of his head, and I am worried that one might pop directly out from the pressure Aaron is applying to the dog's waist. Aaron looks down at the dog and then up at me. He announces that he knows why I like dogs and hate cats. Why, I ask. And then in his little honest voice he says it is because dogs are happy, while cats are always angry. Cats, it seems, just don't have a good attitude.
Well, I can't say it better than that. Cats don't look happy. Uppity and snooty and a little annoyed, but definitely not happy. Dogs, however, are loyal, true and will love you and be happy with you no matter what.
I love the reasoning of a child.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Our Cub Master Hard at Work
I couldn't resist taking these short videos of Nathan hard at work being the Cub Master. He has a lot of fun! At the end of the meeting all the boys moved up a rank and our littlest one received his first tiger handkerchief. Aaron was very proud of his new status.
Nathan is Now Master Mason
Thursday night, Nathan went through his third degree Master Mason ceremony. I, of course, could not be a part of it. However, at 8:45 the boys and I were encouraged to come back to the lodge to be presented with a family bible.
I don't know much about Mason life, but Nathan has several relatives that have been Masons. These include both grandfathers, uncles and at least one cousin. On hand last night were several of Nathan's Masonry involved friends and an uncle and a cousin. The cousin gave Nathan his grandfather's Mason ring during a ceremony and my dear husband cried. At least that is what I am told, I wasn't actually there to see it.
I am proud of my hubby for learning and memorizing what was necessary and taking the obligation. (again not sure what that means) I am also proud of him for keeping the tradition in his family. He is definitely a man of honor and the Masons seem to be an honorable group to belong to.
I don't know much about Mason life, but Nathan has several relatives that have been Masons. These include both grandfathers, uncles and at least one cousin. On hand last night were several of Nathan's Masonry involved friends and an uncle and a cousin. The cousin gave Nathan his grandfather's Mason ring during a ceremony and my dear husband cried. At least that is what I am told, I wasn't actually there to see it.
I am proud of my hubby for learning and memorizing what was necessary and taking the obligation. (again not sure what that means) I am also proud of him for keeping the tradition in his family. He is definitely a man of honor and the Masons seem to be an honorable group to belong to.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
And the Littlest seems to be the Strongest
Today I finally broke due to my foot pain and allowed a Dr. to put a shot in each of my heels and then wrap them for a week. I have been denying that my feet pain me from morning til night for about a year now, but it has gone on too long. Knowing that a shot was imminent, I brought along moral support in the form of a burly grown man and two boys. I was hoping that I could squeeze the burly man's hand tightly and somehow distract myself from the stinging sensation and hot pain of the shot.
I sat in the examination chair and was lifted up and into position. We had all been debating whether or not I would go forward with the shot. I have this gargantuan fear of something sharp being jabbed into my flesh and then being injected with a foreign substance. The Dr. pronounced that we needed to just do it and not talk about it at all and it would be over quickly. Before I could even agree with him a drawer was open and a needle and syringe were being drawn out and filled with a medicinal concotion. Eek. I started to hyperventilate just a bit and asked Nathan to stand by my side.
Aaron could see what was about to happen and he immediately put his fingers in his ears. This is a true sign that he is stressed and worried about something. The needle was being prepped and Aaron's eyes were getting wider. Isaac, on the other hand, had not yet looked up from his DS. Aaron looked at me with searching worried eyes and then asked to leave the room. I didn't want him to feel any more trauma so out he went shutting the door behind him.
After he left, on of my hands grabbed Nathan's arm and the other one shielded my own eyes. My breathing turned ragged and I had to force myself to breath deeply through the shot. It was over quickly and probably wasn't as bad as my mind had made it(probably). I don't even think I screamed. I did however leave claw marks on my Hubby.
When it was done, Aaron knocked on the door and timidly entered the room. It was then that it struck me that I had panicked over two shots when this little boy - although not liking to see someone else's painful procedure - has been through a lot more with much less drama than I had just shown. I have held him during multiple CAT scans, VCUG's, sonograms, pricks with needles to arms, legs and head, 6 different surgeries and those don't count the routine prodding that he receives at each Dr's. visit.
Last night, when I came home and propped myself up on the couch. Aaron is the one who came to love on me and gently touch my bandaged feet. I got a lot of kisses and hugs from him last night.
I sat in the examination chair and was lifted up and into position. We had all been debating whether or not I would go forward with the shot. I have this gargantuan fear of something sharp being jabbed into my flesh and then being injected with a foreign substance. The Dr. pronounced that we needed to just do it and not talk about it at all and it would be over quickly. Before I could even agree with him a drawer was open and a needle and syringe were being drawn out and filled with a medicinal concotion. Eek. I started to hyperventilate just a bit and asked Nathan to stand by my side.
Aaron could see what was about to happen and he immediately put his fingers in his ears. This is a true sign that he is stressed and worried about something. The needle was being prepped and Aaron's eyes were getting wider. Isaac, on the other hand, had not yet looked up from his DS. Aaron looked at me with searching worried eyes and then asked to leave the room. I didn't want him to feel any more trauma so out he went shutting the door behind him.
After he left, on of my hands grabbed Nathan's arm and the other one shielded my own eyes. My breathing turned ragged and I had to force myself to breath deeply through the shot. It was over quickly and probably wasn't as bad as my mind had made it(probably). I don't even think I screamed. I did however leave claw marks on my Hubby.
When it was done, Aaron knocked on the door and timidly entered the room. It was then that it struck me that I had panicked over two shots when this little boy - although not liking to see someone else's painful procedure - has been through a lot more with much less drama than I had just shown. I have held him during multiple CAT scans, VCUG's, sonograms, pricks with needles to arms, legs and head, 6 different surgeries and those don't count the routine prodding that he receives at each Dr's. visit.
Last night, when I came home and propped myself up on the couch. Aaron is the one who came to love on me and gently touch my bandaged feet. I got a lot of kisses and hugs from him last night.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Aaron's New Endeavor
This afternoon Aaron began piano lessons. His little legs dangled off the bench as his teacher taught him about the piano. He was so adorable sitting up straight in the L shape and listening with rapt attention. When the lesson was over he told me all about how to hold his hand. He immediately wanted to go home and practice. Will my children be the next Jonas Brothers? Anything is possible.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Little Surprises
I sat on the couch putting on my shoes this morning when a nine year old bounded in the room and plopped himself down on my knees. Two gangly arms locked themselves around my neck, and he gave me a hug that would melt any mother's heart. A "secret"*** kiss followed and an I love you, Mom.
AAAHHHH! How sweet the love of a child! Just the night before the other boy cuddled up next to me and gave me a big smooch on the cheek during the middle of story book time. He smiled a little smile and smushed himself up under my arm, promptly falling asleep.
The thought makes me happy :-)
***Secret kiss denotes the order of where your face gets kissed first, second, third and so on...In this day and age I felt I better explain that.
AAAHHHH! How sweet the love of a child! Just the night before the other boy cuddled up next to me and gave me a big smooch on the cheek during the middle of story book time. He smiled a little smile and smushed himself up under my arm, promptly falling asleep.
The thought makes me happy :-)
***Secret kiss denotes the order of where your face gets kissed first, second, third and so on...In this day and age I felt I better explain that.
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