Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why do we have 4 bedrooms?

Okay, I know this might be a little unorthodox, but, more often than not, all three of my kiddos like to sleep in the same room.

Right now, I am listening to a little voice sing her own made up song. This sound is coming from Isaac's room. Nathan shushes our girl and commands silence only to be told by one of the boys that they like her singing.

Each night Nathan and I witness the same strange dance to see what room they will all choose and if our oldest will join in or decide that he is above the slumber party atmosphere. When the room is chosen, then beds have to be created. Pillows, blankets and bodies are all arranged depending on who gets the floor and who is stuck with the bed.

Finally, after many wiggles and multiple kisses, a song is sung to lure the group into slumber. However, it usually just prompts singing and requests for more songs. When lights go out, sleep enters the room gracefully wrapping all the children up. Most of the time, the littles ones end up cuddling together during the night or someone comes to find us and snuggle in the wee hours of the morning. I don't mind because I love their little heads tucked under my chin. I love their calm quiet breathing.

One day, I am sure all the children will decide the the privacy of their own room is way more cool than all piling up together. But that night is not tonight and I am grateful for the little voices that travel from their slumber party to my ears as I type this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww. So sweet. Give them all a kiss for Gma Stevens.