Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I feel like I need to explain the hiatus I took from my blog. So please read below and know that we are well.

This is the time of year for many graduations. This year it is My turn!. This Saturday, if I chose to walk, I would be presented with a Masters Degree in Elementary Education. This represents three years of work, toil, pain, sweat, cancorous sores, ulcers, and pestilence. Actually, it really wasn't that bad until this last year when my classes seemed to demand more projects and kept me from writing in my blog.

So, in reality - I didn't quit my blog, but have been too busy to stop and write the stories. Unfortunately, I have probably forgotten most of the stories from this year too. Grad School mixed with three children have certainly fried my brain.

But I am looking forward to many wonderful, crazy experiences and hopefully some really funny stories too.

So stay tuned. More writing is coming shortly.


SaraToday said...

Welcome back. And congratulations!

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you back! I've been waiting patiently.
