Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aaron - The Comunicator - At Camp

Aaron went off to Camp John Marc last Sunday morning.  It is his week to chill with other children living with Spina Bifida.  Last year as a rookie mom, I was nervous and teared up several times before camp, but the week went by fast.  This year, I am much more secure in the great time I know he is having, but my mind has settled around him for different reasons this year.

There is a hole in our house when he is gone.  It is just a week and we definitely aren't sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for him to come back, but the dinner table discussion is not as exuberant.  The evenings are more solitary, and there is definitely less talk during the day.  Part of the life of our family has been removed.

Aaron is our communicator and has  inexplicable way to either make a person laugh with gusto or want to pummel him.  (Really there is not much middle ground, but he is fun).  The comments on the events of the day or a t.v. show and his word play always amaze me. 

Not long ago, in fact, we were at the dinner table talking about our latest Netflix addiction- Star Trek Voyager.  The conversation had something to do with the character, Tom Paris.  Nathan kept mispronouncing it as Parrish.  We laughed a little at that but then Aaron came up with - "Well, I bet sometimes, BeLana Torres would like to make him perish".  I looked at Aaron astonished and then laughed.  I stared and wondered in  amazement as I thought about the word play that just came from the mind of my 9 year old and how it was timed just right to create fun.  He certainly has a gift and a way with words!

He comes home tomorrow and I can't wait to hear all about his time at camp and how he wowed the counselors and campers with his wit. 

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