Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Where Does A Summer Day Go?

I am surprised this year how quickly we settled into a summer routine this year.  I am also surprised at how fast a summer day can be filled up.  For example, yesterday was a typical summer day at the Stevens.  Nothing really on the agenda, but surprise...a doctor visit for Sarah and then back home to make lunch.  Chores, reading, piano practice, and swimming, getting in a little exercise and of course the almost daily run to Walmart and my day was done.  I am really not sure how the day passed so quickly.  It befuddles me that I can stay constantly busy reading, writing, cooking and cleaning and being with the kids.  Yet,  I feel like I do very little at all.  It's a conundrum I suppose. 

But maybe that is what summer is about.  The rest that can be found in daily life when the schedule that I adhere to is actually made by me and I can change it if needed or desired.  This is not true of the months between August and May of each year when school, scouts, church, some sort of sport and piano keep us hopping almost nightly.  But during the summer, if we want to go to the park at 8:30 pm we can.  And if we stay up til 12 watching a movie or if I read a book in one night (this does sometimes happen) I do so with little worry about what it will do to the day following. 

So  I must conclude that  I am glad summer is here and that my days can get filled without having to plan each little part of it.  Here's to a Happy Summer!

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