Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Journey Begins - Again

I have mentioned adoption in my posts before and some might remember us working concession stands a couple years ago to help fund our adoption of a little girl. In fact, in April of 2007 we sent our dossier to China and have been waiting ever since for something to happen.

This year it looked like our adoption dream was floating away from our grasp, but then suddenly the winds changed direction.

We have now accepted a referral for a child who is very similar to Aaron in need and is the most precious little three and 1/2 year old girl-ever. She has a big smile with a dimple in her cheek, loves the outdoors, loves music, hates vegetables and can be (according to her caregivers) obstinate at times.

Reading her bio was like reading about us.

We prayed vigorously for this child before the referral and I must admit, that I prayed vigorously for the doors to be closed if this wasn't the child for us. Over the last three weeks I have been astonished to see a door begin to close and then find it shoved open again - even wider than before. This is not to say I am not full of a heightened level of anxiousness. After all, we just found out that we are more than likely adding to our family in a record time of 4 months. Eek!

This whole process is very new to us and we are feeling it out as we go. But for everyone's info... In about 1-2 months we should recieve a preapproval that will state China feels we can proceed to the next level. Then we will receive referral agreement which is the official "Yes" and finally we will get travel plans. It is very possible we won't know til the month we travel when we go. The only real answers we have is that is usually takes 3-4 months.

In this time, please join us in prayer for our Sarah and her kidneys. Pray for us to have all three children stay healthy and pray that we will be wise in our decisions.

As news from China comes, I will post. As my emotions rise and fall and I struggle with all the things that I always struggle with, I will post. And as weird, unusual and amazing things happen to the Stevens clan, I will post.

I do have a total of 13 pictures of little Sarah, but they should not be posted until we have the referral. So until then....words will have to do.


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you all in this process.

julie said...

Yeah! Praying for you guys!