Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Tornado, A Rainbow and Bloody Noses - SD trip Part 1

Road trips are an adventure that as a child I did not necessarily enjoy, however now I feel the need to impart this joy to my children. With that in mind, I set off with my parents to South Dakota to see our Northern family.

Two days into the trip we have had two bloody noses, one fever, tornado sirens went off during dinner, we were caught in a hail storm and then God produced a beautiful double rainbow.

Aaron and Isaac have enjoyed the frequent stops at places like Carhenge, a SandHills area Museum and the Swedish heritage town, Lindsborg, Kansas where we saw beautiful Dala horses.

We have made it to South Dakota and everyone is no worse for the ware!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I've been to Lindsborg, KS and seen those horses. Very neat town. I sent you an email with that letter finally.