Sunday, May 11, 2008

Master of the Universe

Last Sunday, my dad and Aaron sat down for a hearty Sunday dinner of Hebrew National Brand Hot Dogs. We love these hot dogs. They are the only kosher brand of hot dog, they come in a package of 7 which I find a lot of humor in, and they are completely corn syrup free - for those of you who know Aaron well, this last part is crucial.

The meaty tantalizing smell of the hot dogs brought my parents' sweet mix breed dog, Sugar, to the table. She sat close to Aaron gently sniffing the air and creeping ever closer to his hand that was grasping the hot dog. Papa saw the inevitable and yelled "Sugar, NO!"

Immediately, Sugar turned tail and sat a respectful distance away. Aaron looked in awe at Papa and announced that Sugar never listened to him that way.

Seeing a teachable moment about obedience, my dad stated frankly that it was because Papa was master of Sugar.

My little Aaron screwed up his face and rolled his eyes in obvious frustration and announced that no Papa was not the Master. God was the only Master. He then proceeded to explain to Papa that God was Master of everything, so obviously Papa was NOT Master. Papa tried to rephrase and explain how he was master to Sugar, but Aaron was immoveable. Both sides stated their ideas, their arguements and counter arguements. No agreement could be made.

Aaron knew that the term Master was reserved for the Creator and All Mighty God. Finally, in an effort to keep a little of the power over the animals in the back yard, both parties decided that Papa could be "Boss" because God has allowed him to tell Sugar what to do for a little while.

Papa thought this was really great that Aaron was so insistent, and that he had taken it on complete faith that God, whom he has never physically seen, really is Master of the Universe. So today, he pulled Aaron to him and said "Who is the Master of Sugar?"

In typical Aaron form, He held his hands out in a "What did I tell you gesture" and said (By the way, I write this part verbatum) "I thought we have already covered this, God is Master and you're just the Boss!"

1 comment:

The Jerrolds Family said...

Out of the mouths of babes, right? That is so awesome that your son has such a strong faith already in our Lord! What a great blessing!