When we got up yesterday, we had no plans. We tooled around the condo for a while and then decided to go see the shrimp boats come into the dock. We got to the dock about 2 hours too early for the shrimp boats and then decided to drive east. As we drove down the seawall, we saw a sign for the ferry. It has been dubbed the "poor mans tour" and since we like it when things are free, we rode. On the tour we saw pelicans, sea gulls, and dolphins.
We spent the afternoon at the beach and pool. Where Nathan caught many crabs and saved Aaron from drowning one time. Nathan and Aaron had gone walking in the water with our friend Cody and his girls. Aaron was walking a lot faster than Nathan and we both realized he was way too close to the rocks for safety. So we started moving faster, but I was still on the beach and Nathan was about10 feet from Aaron when Aaron took a step and was suddenly no longer above the water. His head came up and he was treading water (thank you swimming lessons) Nathan thought he was just lying down on a sand bar. So, Nathan was still leisurely getting around to reaching Aaron. I, however, was panicking and running toward the rocks. When Aaron's head went down the second time, Nathan knew he was in trouble and grabbed him moments later. The only injury was Nathan's leg which was scraped and bleeding. All I can say is that Life Jackets will be worn at all times today! Constant Vigilance.
Finally around 10:00pm we packed it in for the day and watched Shark week while thinking about the hidden dangers in the Gulf. Tomorrow, Nathan is going to sea for a deep sea fishing trip and I will be with the boys at the beach all day. I am nervous about being alone with them in front of a vast water source riddled with sharks. Funny how I am alot more relaxed when I have Nathan around.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Galveston, Texas- Part 1
We have been in sunny Galveston, Texas for the last 24 hours. Many people say Galveston water is dirty and why would anyone want to vacation here. We, however, love Galveston. It is more than a beach city. It has character, history and is a very easy place to have a family getaway. It is true that the water is a little grungy and you have to worry about what you can't see because, well, you can't see anything at all in the gulf.
I have taken many pictures already of the boardwalk on Kemah and was ready to share, but then I discovered that my USB cable was left at home. Go figure. So, pictures will come later.
But I can report some highlights.
1. We spent most of this morning on the beach doing beachy things. Immediately, my boys made friends with the other children in our beach area. This has happened every year and is one of the things I like most about this area. People talk, share and swap Galveston/fishing stories. Isaac found a little girl friend (age 9) that he walked up and down the beach with for a long time with her. I found out later that they were swapping Pokemon strategies. :-) Whew!
2. Later in the day we went to Kemah and rode lots of carnival type rides. Isaac loved the bouncer that jolts your stomach to your adam's apple. Aaron was partial to the crazy submarine ride that went in circles and up and down. Nathan enjoyed the Kemah Boardwalk Tower that hoisted us way up in the air to see the whole town and most of the bay. I, on the other hand, was partial to watching from the ground. My stomach is not what it used to be. Ahh... age sneaks up on the best of us.
3. The highlight of my day was touching the stingrays in Stingray reef. Nathan fed them, I touched them and the boys ran around screeching that I would probably die because the Crocodile Hunter fell to one of these strange creatures. Nothing I said changed their minds, so I just ignored their pleas to please leave the attraction and go elsewhere. I loved touching the stingray "wings" and heads. They are incredibly smooth to the touch with just a little bit of slime. It was exciting to be so close to a creature so foreign to me. It reminded me of the vastness of God's creation.
4. Nathan caught a "really large" ( Of course this depends on how you see the word "large", but he is sitting right here calling the fish large as we speak, so it was LARGE!) catfish in the gulf and then we both used the sein net to drag up little fish. One of these little fish looked like it had already been attacked by some ocean creature when we got hold of it, so Nathan threw it back. As he pitched it behind him in the air a sea gull saw what was happening and swooped in and grabbed this poor little fish the moment it touched the water. Talk about a fish having a really bad day! So far, we have caught no shrimp or crabs. We are hoping for better luck tomorrow.
All in all, the last 24 hours have been fun, adventuresome and somewhat relaxing. The adventures will continue and so will the posts. So to all, Buenas Noches and Adios Amigos!
I have taken many pictures already of the boardwalk on Kemah and was ready to share, but then I discovered that my USB cable was left at home. Go figure. So, pictures will come later.
But I can report some highlights.
1. We spent most of this morning on the beach doing beachy things. Immediately, my boys made friends with the other children in our beach area. This has happened every year and is one of the things I like most about this area. People talk, share and swap Galveston/fishing stories. Isaac found a little girl friend (age 9) that he walked up and down the beach with for a long time with her. I found out later that they were swapping Pokemon strategies. :-) Whew!
2. Later in the day we went to Kemah and rode lots of carnival type rides. Isaac loved the bouncer that jolts your stomach to your adam's apple. Aaron was partial to the crazy submarine ride that went in circles and up and down. Nathan enjoyed the Kemah Boardwalk Tower that hoisted us way up in the air to see the whole town and most of the bay. I, on the other hand, was partial to watching from the ground. My stomach is not what it used to be. Ahh... age sneaks up on the best of us.
3. The highlight of my day was touching the stingrays in Stingray reef. Nathan fed them, I touched them and the boys ran around screeching that I would probably die because the Crocodile Hunter fell to one of these strange creatures. Nothing I said changed their minds, so I just ignored their pleas to please leave the attraction and go elsewhere. I loved touching the stingray "wings" and heads. They are incredibly smooth to the touch with just a little bit of slime. It was exciting to be so close to a creature so foreign to me. It reminded me of the vastness of God's creation.
4. Nathan caught a "really large" ( Of course this depends on how you see the word "large", but he is sitting right here calling the fish large as we speak, so it was LARGE!) catfish in the gulf and then we both used the sein net to drag up little fish. One of these little fish looked like it had already been attacked by some ocean creature when we got hold of it, so Nathan threw it back. As he pitched it behind him in the air a sea gull saw what was happening and swooped in and grabbed this poor little fish the moment it touched the water. Talk about a fish having a really bad day! So far, we have caught no shrimp or crabs. We are hoping for better luck tomorrow.
All in all, the last 24 hours have been fun, adventuresome and somewhat relaxing. The adventures will continue and so will the posts. So to all, Buenas Noches and Adios Amigos!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dooney and Burke and Me
Three weeks and three days ago, I was given my first real designer purse. A Dooney and Burke leather and canvas bag that, even though it is circa 1998, looks brand new. It actually doesn't have a giant decoy looking duck on the front either and is styled in a very sustainable fashion. So in all, I was pleased. I could carry a really nice bag that unless you looked really closely could not be recognized as almost vintage D&B.
However, it only took about 4 days and a little chocolate to prove that I am not worthy to carry an almost vintage 300 dollar purse. There I was leaving the 103 degree sweltering heat of the swimming lesson where sweat was streaming down my back and pooling at the top of my pants. I somehow staggered heat-stricken to the car and opened the front door while instructing the boys to belt themselves in. I turned the ignition of the car and ramped up the AC as high as my Volkswagon could go. Then I decided I needed to check in with my hubby. So I reached into my new D&B and came out with a brown and gooey phone. I held the chocolate smudged phone in my hand and panicked. My thoughts turned to the first day I carried my lovely D&B. It was going to be a long day at a mall and then a show. My boys might need a treat, or bribe, or a momentary silencer. Therefore, the the hershey kisses had been packed and subsequently forgotten at the bottom of the bag.
I spent the next ten minutes emptying and cleaning all the contents of my purse. Then I dilegently scrubbed the bottom of the purse itself with a wet wipe. All the while, I was shaking my head and thinking that this is the reason I buy my clothing at Walmart, and my bags on sale at a minimum 50% off. This is also the reason that I should have eaten those stupid kisses earlier in the day when I had discovered them at the bottom of my purse. But, no. I had had a moment of concern about my waistline and decided against it. I had placed the 4 kisses back in my purse for a much more messy fate.
The purse cleaned very well and so I gallantly carried it to Galveston, Texas where I knew nothing more treacherous than salt air would surely touch it.
We entered the Rainforest Cafe triumphantly. I had remembered at the last moment to go by a conveinent store to purchase a diet sprite for my littlest to drink at the Cafe. It was the first time all trip that I had remembered that restaurants carry diet nothing! I was proud of my self as I ordered my son only a glass of ice and took the Diet Sprite from my D&B. I admired how large this bag was and yet streamlined so nicely. At the present time it held a 20oz Sprite, several catheters, a camera, an extra pair of little boy underwear, lipstick case, wallet and etc. I still had plenty of room, say for some shorts. But, I digress about the bags ample innerds.
Anyway, then I placed the bag at my feet. I picked up the Sprite bottle and turned the lid to find that much pressure had built up under the lid. It spewed everywhere. It spewed on my lap, on the person next to me and it spewed inside the D&B.
I looked down at my bag. My hands dripped with Sprite. The D&B dripped with Sprite and I again thought that I was not meant to carry any purse over 50.00 and that was pushing it! I do still like the D&B, and I am sure it will be the only one I will ever own.
FYI - Aaron can't have any corn products as a general rule and therefore can not have regular sodas, or most other drinks at a restaurant. He can have milk and water, but that gets old.
However, it only took about 4 days and a little chocolate to prove that I am not worthy to carry an almost vintage 300 dollar purse. There I was leaving the 103 degree sweltering heat of the swimming lesson where sweat was streaming down my back and pooling at the top of my pants. I somehow staggered heat-stricken to the car and opened the front door while instructing the boys to belt themselves in. I turned the ignition of the car and ramped up the AC as high as my Volkswagon could go. Then I decided I needed to check in with my hubby. So I reached into my new D&B and came out with a brown and gooey phone. I held the chocolate smudged phone in my hand and panicked. My thoughts turned to the first day I carried my lovely D&B. It was going to be a long day at a mall and then a show. My boys might need a treat, or bribe, or a momentary silencer. Therefore, the the hershey kisses had been packed and subsequently forgotten at the bottom of the bag.
I spent the next ten minutes emptying and cleaning all the contents of my purse. Then I dilegently scrubbed the bottom of the purse itself with a wet wipe. All the while, I was shaking my head and thinking that this is the reason I buy my clothing at Walmart, and my bags on sale at a minimum 50% off. This is also the reason that I should have eaten those stupid kisses earlier in the day when I had discovered them at the bottom of my purse. But, no. I had had a moment of concern about my waistline and decided against it. I had placed the 4 kisses back in my purse for a much more messy fate.
The purse cleaned very well and so I gallantly carried it to Galveston, Texas where I knew nothing more treacherous than salt air would surely touch it.
We entered the Rainforest Cafe triumphantly. I had remembered at the last moment to go by a conveinent store to purchase a diet sprite for my littlest to drink at the Cafe. It was the first time all trip that I had remembered that restaurants carry diet nothing! I was proud of my self as I ordered my son only a glass of ice and took the Diet Sprite from my D&B. I admired how large this bag was and yet streamlined so nicely. At the present time it held a 20oz Sprite, several catheters, a camera, an extra pair of little boy underwear, lipstick case, wallet and etc. I still had plenty of room, say for some shorts. But, I digress about the bags ample innerds.
Anyway, then I placed the bag at my feet. I picked up the Sprite bottle and turned the lid to find that much pressure had built up under the lid. It spewed everywhere. It spewed on my lap, on the person next to me and it spewed inside the D&B.
I looked down at my bag. My hands dripped with Sprite. The D&B dripped with Sprite and I again thought that I was not meant to carry any purse over 50.00 and that was pushing it! I do still like the D&B, and I am sure it will be the only one I will ever own.
FYI - Aaron can't have any corn products as a general rule and therefore can not have regular sodas, or most other drinks at a restaurant. He can have milk and water, but that gets old.
VBS is Put to Rest and Moving on South
The week was hurried. The week was busy. The week was crazy. But, the week was fun! And I am tired. It is always one of the best weeks in the summer. Vacation Bible School. I have been part of this American Summer Tradition for at least 25 years so far (counting the years in the nursery of course). I actually know parents who planned their summer in such a way as to make it to as many VBS weeks as possible. It is a great way for the kids to be busy and out of their houses and their mother's hair for 3 hours.
The theme Outrigger Island: Living God's unshakeable Truth was, in my humble opinion, the best theme ever. The music was great. The Bible truths were simple, to the point and relevant to what children today must face in the very shaky world in which we live.
I have lots of stories that I am banking in my head to write about, however, I am just too pooped. We went from VBS in the morning to two hours of swim lessons in the afternoon at an outdoor pool. It was sooooo hot! From there, I had to get ready to teach the next day's VBS lesson. We also somehow found time to go on a day date, swim at our friends' pool and then have a cubscout summer party, (thankfully at someone else's house)!
Nathan helped me this year and he was surprised by the amount of work it takes to get a lesson together. I wasn't surprised at all. Teaching kids anything takes tons of work!
My big idea this year was to actually use the digital camera project that was suggested in the book, so I on the last day of VBS I got it in my head to make a movie from still pictures via Windows MovieMaker. The second graders would be my actors and narrators. We did finish The Good Samaritan - Hawaiian Style. And, yep, I did bite off more than I could chew. Imagine that. The movie will not make its world debut, however, because I forgot to have the students take off their nametags before recording their images. Ooops.
I managed through the week though and treated myself to doing very little this morning and getting my second mani/pedi for the summer. I am now ready for the beach!!!!
The theme Outrigger Island: Living God's unshakeable Truth was, in my humble opinion, the best theme ever. The music was great. The Bible truths were simple, to the point and relevant to what children today must face in the very shaky world in which we live.
I have lots of stories that I am banking in my head to write about, however, I am just too pooped. We went from VBS in the morning to two hours of swim lessons in the afternoon at an outdoor pool. It was sooooo hot! From there, I had to get ready to teach the next day's VBS lesson. We also somehow found time to go on a day date, swim at our friends' pool and then have a cubscout summer party, (thankfully at someone else's house)!
Nathan helped me this year and he was surprised by the amount of work it takes to get a lesson together. I wasn't surprised at all. Teaching kids anything takes tons of work!
My big idea this year was to actually use the digital camera project that was suggested in the book, so I on the last day of VBS I got it in my head to make a movie from still pictures via Windows MovieMaker. The second graders would be my actors and narrators. We did finish The Good Samaritan - Hawaiian Style. And, yep, I did bite off more than I could chew. Imagine that. The movie will not make its world debut, however, because I forgot to have the students take off their nametags before recording their images. Ooops.
I managed through the week though and treated myself to doing very little this morning and getting my second mani/pedi for the summer. I am now ready for the beach!!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Eyebrow threading and the whole Nine Yards
I don't know what possesses me to fill every hour/minute of everyday of my existence. The last three days I have really packed every waking moment with something. Now, I am tired! This week most of the Stevens' clan got together to share a little time with family. I remember back when we were planning this excursion and I thought that the children might be bored and restless. Well, they were rested less that is for sure. We did enjoy ourselves and saw some new things around our Metroplitan area.
One of the highlights included eyebrow threading for Margaret, Anna, and Nancy. Since my eyebrows have to be penciled in for anyone to see them, I did not feel the need to take part in this interesting way to trim a brow from a kiosk at the mall. The experience was a mixture of strange and interesting. The workers take sewing thread and contort it with their hands. Then they begin to razor a person's eyebrows using the thread alone. Anna, my sister-in-law told us it was the rage in New York City. I should have taken a picture of this in hind sight. Margaret had a couple taken of her by Anna while she was being threaded, but I don't think Margaret will allow them to go on line. She kept rolling her eyes at me when I mentioned I could post the whole threading business on this blog.
Then we visited Medieval Times. A little hoaky, a little contrived and a whole lot of fun. I enjoyed watching Aaron pick his favorite Knight. He was also very impressed that the Prince fought 4 bad guys at once. I didn't get to see Isaac because our party was 10 people long and Isaac sat 5 away from me, but Nathan said he was really getting into it. I believe my favorite part of Medieval Times was Sat. morning when all the kids created their own castle. It was neat to see how their imaginations recreated what they had seen the night before.
We also visited the Nature and Science Museum and played with all their exhibits. Informative and fun are the only words to describe it.
Lastly, I really enjoyed my nieces. They are the cutest little girls and they are growing up way too fast. We swam together and colored together. Both are very creative and the youngest, who looks like a carbon copy of her mother, is very independent. Since her mother and Nathan are siblings, I am now blaming all Aaron's bull headness on the Stevens' family clan. It couldn't have possibly come from me!
One of the highlights included eyebrow threading for Margaret, Anna, and Nancy. Since my eyebrows have to be penciled in for anyone to see them, I did not feel the need to take part in this interesting way to trim a brow from a kiosk at the mall. The experience was a mixture of strange and interesting. The workers take sewing thread and contort it with their hands. Then they begin to razor a person's eyebrows using the thread alone. Anna, my sister-in-law told us it was the rage in New York City. I should have taken a picture of this in hind sight. Margaret had a couple taken of her by Anna while she was being threaded, but I don't think Margaret will allow them to go on line. She kept rolling her eyes at me when I mentioned I could post the whole threading business on this blog.
Then we visited Medieval Times. A little hoaky, a little contrived and a whole lot of fun. I enjoyed watching Aaron pick his favorite Knight. He was also very impressed that the Prince fought 4 bad guys at once. I didn't get to see Isaac because our party was 10 people long and Isaac sat 5 away from me, but Nathan said he was really getting into it. I believe my favorite part of Medieval Times was Sat. morning when all the kids created their own castle. It was neat to see how their imaginations recreated what they had seen the night before.
We also visited the Nature and Science Museum and played with all their exhibits. Informative and fun are the only words to describe it.
Lastly, I really enjoyed my nieces. They are the cutest little girls and they are growing up way too fast. We swam together and colored together. Both are very creative and the youngest, who looks like a carbon copy of her mother, is very independent. Since her mother and Nathan are siblings, I am now blaming all Aaron's bull headness on the Stevens' family clan. It couldn't have possibly come from me!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Natasha's Last Day
Today we lost our oldest dog. She fell ill Sunday morning. This morning Nathan drove her to the vet and she did not return. My heart is filled with sadness at her demise - more sadness than I had expected.
Natasha was purchased in my home town, in the fall of 1996 and lived with us through 4 houses, 2 children, one rabbit and countless strays and other pooches that found their way into our backyard. Natasha was special. She was our solid dog who protected us when we needed protecting and had the confidence to relax when protection wasn't warranted. I only heard her growl menacingly twice in her life. Both times it was truly needed for the protection of our property.
I found myself looking for her today several times and not finding her. I walked the backyard and found her kong ball that was never far from her. I put her food bowl in the garage so as not to look at it the rest of the evening. In short, I miss her quiet strength and companionship.
Both boys have taken it much better than Nathan or me, but then they didn't know her when she was young and vibrant.
Natasha was truly the best dog we have ever owned and I will miss her deeply. I think my mother said it best. God loves our family and that includes our pets. Wherever Natasha is, I believe she is happy and being taken care of very well. 
Thursday, July 10, 2008
INS Finger Prints
Today we journeyed to the big city to get our fingerprints made for the second time while waiting for Sarah to join our family.
The boys have recently procured Nintendo DS's and we thought the wait at the INS building would be a good time to practice gaming skills.
First, it was incredibly hard to find this wonderful government institution. We drove in circles for a while and finally stopped at the best looking building in "little Mexico" that we could find to ask for directions. We were just praying that someone spoke English. Lucky for us, they did. So we drove some more and finally made it to a building with no outside signs or windows. For all those that think we make immigration easy on people, just try and find an INS building. It would be easier to contact the President and probably with less security involved.
So we entered the building, with DS's in tow only to be told that all electronics must remain in our cars. Cell phones, ipods, DS's...all of it. Well, Isaac was crushed. I tried to appeal to the oversized security guard, but to no avail. After all, what are two little boys supposed to do in a waiting room where the only t.v. seems to be stuck on Judge Judy. As I tried to coerse our DS's into the building I hit on the beurocratic road block. "These are the rules if you want finger prints made. No electronic devices." the security guard regurgitated. At this point, Isaac noticed the Judge Judy spewing T.V. and announced to the security guard that in fact the t.v. was also an electronic device, so why was it allowed. Go Isaac!!!!!
We were then told that their copy machine was broken and to go down the street to the library to make a copy of the finger printing paper and bring it back when we were done. Ahhhh the government. This is what we pay taxes for!
The boys have recently procured Nintendo DS's and we thought the wait at the INS building would be a good time to practice gaming skills.
First, it was incredibly hard to find this wonderful government institution. We drove in circles for a while and finally stopped at the best looking building in "little Mexico" that we could find to ask for directions. We were just praying that someone spoke English. Lucky for us, they did. So we drove some more and finally made it to a building with no outside signs or windows. For all those that think we make immigration easy on people, just try and find an INS building. It would be easier to contact the President and probably with less security involved.
So we entered the building, with DS's in tow only to be told that all electronics must remain in our cars. Cell phones, ipods, DS's...all of it. Well, Isaac was crushed. I tried to appeal to the oversized security guard, but to no avail. After all, what are two little boys supposed to do in a waiting room where the only t.v. seems to be stuck on Judge Judy. As I tried to coerse our DS's into the building I hit on the beurocratic road block. "These are the rules if you want finger prints made. No electronic devices." the security guard regurgitated. At this point, Isaac noticed the Judge Judy spewing T.V. and announced to the security guard that in fact the t.v. was also an electronic device, so why was it allowed. Go Isaac!!!!!
We were then told that their copy machine was broken and to go down the street to the library to make a copy of the finger printing paper and bring it back when we were done. Ahhhh the government. This is what we pay taxes for!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Boys Who are Very Very Good
I stood at my youngest sons' side today as he was xrayed, poked, prodded and sonogrammed. We started the yearly rounds at 9:45 am and we finished at 2:30ish. It is a long day for a 5 year old, especially when he is the proverbial science project. But, as I stood there I remembered the nursery rhyme about the little girl with the curl on her forehead. When she was good she was Very Very Good. But when she was bad ,she was horrid.
Aaron has had his horrid days. But today he was exemplary. He was cooperative, sweet, inquisitive and kind to everyone he met. One Dr. took great delight in his discovery that his heart isn't heart shaped. We saw it on Xray, so there is no denying it. We read stories, watched podcasts on my ipod and played Simon Says and I spy games while waiting for the entourage of people making the rounds to see him.
I don't really mind these days at Scottish Rite Hospital. The Doctors and Nurses are experts and kind. They treat the parents like we are part of the healthcare team and they mean it when they say comprehensive care. Not to mention that everything at SRH is kid friendly and FREE! Today was such a contrast to last weeks eyeglasses beginnings, that I felt the need to chronicle it.
I didn't have to tell him twice to put on his seat belt. He went potty with me when it was time with out complaining. He ate grilled chicken and didn't complain that it wasn't breaded and fried. He ate fast when I said he only had 5 more minutes. Amazing! This morning he even got up and asked where his glasses were so he could wear them! Ahhh, I feel the fruits of my labor growing ripe.
I realize that this moment of perfection will not last forever. But, I am not always a glass half full person, especially when I am in the throes of a conflict. Therefore, I am writing this to let everyone who might read this know and to remind myself that if my child or another child is being very very horrid. Then stay calm, stick to your guns and tomorrow perhaps they will be very very good!
Side Note - Aaron is healthy and can hold exactly 250cc of liquid in his bladder before it leaks out and currently there is no reflux into his kidneys.
Side Note 2 - Isaac spent the day cleaning up the rent house with Nathan. He was a great help and earned a little money toward his next DS game. He also started piano lessons up again after a three month hiatus. That boy can practice each song 5x faster than a speeding bullet. After all, he has to get back to his gaming. Don't worry grandparents, he is limited to one battery a day or 1.5 hours electronic time. Which ever comes first.
Aaron has had his horrid days. But today he was exemplary. He was cooperative, sweet, inquisitive and kind to everyone he met. One Dr. took great delight in his discovery that his heart isn't heart shaped. We saw it on Xray, so there is no denying it. We read stories, watched podcasts on my ipod and played Simon Says and I spy games while waiting for the entourage of people making the rounds to see him.
I don't really mind these days at Scottish Rite Hospital. The Doctors and Nurses are experts and kind. They treat the parents like we are part of the healthcare team and they mean it when they say comprehensive care. Not to mention that everything at SRH is kid friendly and FREE! Today was such a contrast to last weeks eyeglasses beginnings, that I felt the need to chronicle it.
I didn't have to tell him twice to put on his seat belt. He went potty with me when it was time with out complaining. He ate grilled chicken and didn't complain that it wasn't breaded and fried. He ate fast when I said he only had 5 more minutes. Amazing! This morning he even got up and asked where his glasses were so he could wear them! Ahhh, I feel the fruits of my labor growing ripe.
I realize that this moment of perfection will not last forever. But, I am not always a glass half full person, especially when I am in the throes of a conflict. Therefore, I am writing this to let everyone who might read this know and to remind myself that if my child or another child is being very very horrid. Then stay calm, stick to your guns and tomorrow perhaps they will be very very good!
Side Note - Aaron is healthy and can hold exactly 250cc of liquid in his bladder before it leaks out and currently there is no reflux into his kidneys.
Side Note 2 - Isaac spent the day cleaning up the rent house with Nathan. He was a great help and earned a little money toward his next DS game. He also started piano lessons up again after a three month hiatus. That boy can practice each song 5x faster than a speeding bullet. After all, he has to get back to his gaming. Don't worry grandparents, he is limited to one battery a day or 1.5 hours electronic time. Which ever comes first.
Friday, July 4, 2008
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