Today we lost our oldest dog. She fell ill Sunday morning. This morning Nathan drove her to the vet and she did not return. My heart is filled with sadness at her demise - more sadness than I had expected.
Natasha was purchased in my home town, in the fall of 1996 and lived with us through 4 houses, 2 children, one rabbit and countless strays and other pooches that found their way into our backyard. Natasha was special. She was our solid dog who protected us when we needed protecting and had the confidence to relax when protection wasn't warranted. I only heard her growl menacingly twice in her life. Both times it was truly needed for the protection of our property.
I found myself looking for her today several times and not finding her. I walked the backyard and found her kong ball that was never far from her. I put her food bowl in the garage so as not to look at it the rest of the evening. In short, I miss her quiet strength and companionship.
Both boys have taken it much better than Nathan or me, but then they didn't know her when she was young and vibrant.
Natasha was truly the best dog we have ever owned and I will miss her deeply. I think my mother said it best. God loves our family and that includes our pets. Wherever Natasha is, I believe she is happy and being taken care of very well. 
Good bye dear friend, Natasha. Hoping the adults are getting used to the newness of the loss.
Love the kids' glasses.
Love you,
Melissa Ramirez
I am sorry for your loss. I know losing a pet is very hard.
I'm going to be philosophical here. But, I believe there is more to life then just chemical reactions that keep our bodies alive. I think ALL life is created and given by God and that applies to animals as well as people.
Maybe they don't have "souls" in the sense that humans have souls that can commune with God. But, I think they have spirits of a sort that live on after death in a special place that only God knows. The Bible says that God knows when even a lowly sparrow falls.
To have loved an animal and had that loved returned, I think, is a blessing from God. I feel truly sorry for people who have not been able to experience this special gift from God.
Oops...forgot to include my identity. The previous "philosophical" post was from ME...Grandma Stevens!
I agree with your grandma Stevens. Very nicely put. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Just last Oct. we lost our beagal, Molly and we got her when she was a puppy before we had kiddos. So, I know how sad it can be.
I am so sorry for your loss... I am glad your family was able to have her & be part of her life.
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