Sunday, August 31, 2008


In a conversation at lunch today, the topic of what exactly milk was came up. Wanting to be exact, my mom began to explain to the boys that is was made of Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Before she could get the word calcium out, Nathan spouted something like "and don't forget Cowcium" Not noticing this small change in pronunciation, mom said "Yes, calcium too." Nathan, not to be daunted due to the miss of his pun. said it again - Cowcium. My mom looked over and smiled in that sweet way she has (which really means - Hey, I just said that. What is wrong with you - and said "Yes, calcium" Nathan again repeated "cowcium." At this Aaron finally got the joke and said "Hey that sounds just like Cow. It makes sense!" And began to giggle profusely.

I guess the reason G didn't get the joke that Aaron got is simply because - well it really was 5 year old humor :-)


Anonymous said...

She's losing her hearing. We'll have to get mom and grandmother matching ear-pieces. Imagine the shrill symphony, their hearing aides buzzing in unison. We could sell tickets.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Matthew. At least you didn't elaborate on my apparent lack of a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

that is great! you know i am a sucker for a play on words!!

hi Matthew!